La Noolaanshaha Covid-19

If you are sick with covid-19 or you think you are sick with covid-19, stay home

Separate a household member who is sick.
Have only one person in the household take care of the person who is sick.
Maintain 6 feet between the person who is sick and other family or household members.

The person who is sick should stay in a separate bedroom.
However, If you need to share a bedroom with someone who is sick open the window and turn on a fan to bring in and circulate fresh air if possible.

The person who is sick should use a separate bathroom.
If you cannot provide a separate bathroom, it is essential to increase bathroom cleaning.

Children: People who are sick should avoid caring for children.
However, If people who are sick must care for the children in their household, the children in their care should not have contact with individuals outside the household.

If you are sick, do not help prepare food.
Also, eat separately from the family.
Do not share dishes, cups, eating utensils, with other people in your home. Wash these items thoroughly after using them

Family members should leave only when necessary for example going to the grocery store, pharmacy, or important medical appointments.

If you have any of these emergency warning signs* for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately:
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion
Inability to wake or stay awake
Bluish lips or face
Call 911 if you have a medical emergency: Notify the operator that you have COVID-19. Put on a cloth face covering before medical help arrives.